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Saturday 3 August 2013

Finally, I'm back with my writings.
Many apologies for my long absence thou,
well, I'm finally back.
Basically, a lot has happened.
Finnish both of my national language oral examination.
English and Chinese. Honestly, i guess i did pretty badly.
Flanked my English spoken interactions and Chinese reading aloud.
sigh..hopefully I'll pass. What's done is done, no point vexing about it right?
the only sensible thing right now,
would be preparing myself for my remaining written examination.
moving on shall we? 
yes. you're right, I'm back to being single again.
reason? well, what can i say? every story has it's end.
every relationship has it's own problem. mine was no different.
to me, both of us are at wrong, and none of us are at wrong.
confusing? HA!
she's a great girl, but I'm not that great.
I can't give her the happiness that she want. I tried my best thou.
well, i wishes her, sincerely and truthfully.
she would find a better man, lead a better life.
like promise, i will still be there for her, when she ever needed me :)
no, don't worry about me. 
i will get over it. Honestly, I'm "forgetting" her at a rather hastened pace.
my heart still feel pain from time to time, but the problem start with my head.
it's seems that i can forget memories rather quickly ... 
its like,

lets its start off with 100% for example, then when i have headaches, 
it decrease dramatically, let say, -20%. 
it's like that 20% was vaporize instantly...

I don't know whether its a bliss or a curse. I'm afraid of it.
It made me question myself. Was all this feelings real? 
or my brain simply make it up? was it a infatuation? 
for a moment, everything seems so fake to me.
seems like I'm exaggerating huh? can't blame you.
some say it's a bliss, because i don't feel long breakup pain.
some say I'm stone hearted. 
whatever it is, i doesn't like it. It make me feel not me.
however, i could never  forget someone completely. Never.
well. luckily for me, i have some really good friends, 
or i should say "Brothers"
they were there for me the first moment they know what's happening.
being there for me, consoled me. 
saying things like "you know what last? our brotherhood." 
sounded gay, i agreed. 
but it means lot to me. mean a lot to someone who was all along , alone. 
wow. sorry for being wordy.
like always, till next time, thanks for visiting.

(in love with a goddess)
Saturday, August 03, 2013

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Tell me, what have I done wrong this time?  Yesterday night, after a basketball game with the express. You had left without goodbyes claiming that you had.
Okay. Maybe you had. Perhaps theres something wrong with my ears. I apologize. Unkowning the reason for your sudden emotional change, i apologize and plead for forgiveness for the entired night. Whats your respond after a short 3 hour after time? Yes, i know your phone batt went flat. No, im not here taking credits from you for my plight. Sigh. If only you can understand my plight. If only you can walk a mile in my shoes.

(in love with a goddess)
Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Saturday 25 May 2013

Sorry for breaking my promise, failed to blog the day dafter.
The reason behind being my computer spoiled.
Mainly because I think my Graphic Card's faulty. Sad isn't it?
But fortunately for me, I possessed a smart phone ~
So how I blogged? You guessed it, blogging through phone :3
So unfamiliar with the insertion of words >.<
So apologies in advance, forgive my spelling or vocabulary error~
Currently staying in tamp and this few day is more than memorable.
First night meet my "brothers" for a quick 20mins catch up.
Initially, we all planndd to catch a movie together.
Unfortunately, something caught up so i have to be excused ;(
But we still manage to catch up after movie ;)
And for the second day,
I meet up with ShuXun and we visited my dad's tablet ;')
Departed each other around 6? And i have seafood dinner with my family.
My mum order: chilli crab, black pepper crab, cereal flakes prawn etc
Sounded  like alot but honestly, im not even 3/4 full ><
And it costed $120! $40 each for the crabs ~
Then i leave my family around 830? At night.
Meet up with ShuXun again, YuXian and WeiLiang at tam blk 232, bball court.
Shoot a few balls, tonned at YuXian's house with ShaoXuan and Raven ~
Had Prata at blk 201 in 420am >< hahah!
Headed back YuXian's house around 6 after having prata ~
Sleep till 10 and i cabbed home :x
Will be leaving tamp and heading back to yishun around 8 or 8.30?
Thats about it :)

Now, i only wish to see my baby. Hug her tightly in my arms.
Give her a little kiss on her forehead and on that beautiful lips.
And tell her how much i love her ... ... ♡

Last but not least,
I want to make a dedication to someone i regarded as ' close friend '
Like the words regarded, its in the pass.
Tell me why? I fucking trusted you... ...
you're nothing but a wolf in a sheep's clothing.
Unbelieveable. I actually lets my guard down.
Literally blinded by your innocence.
Dont worry, i dont pass judgement :) or atleast no without a second chance.
Be glad that i choose to close one eyes.
But we would never be the same again .

(in love with a goddess)
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday 18 May 2013

shall kick off this post with me, apologising to you guys ~ 
for? well, for my 3 weeks disappearance.
breaking my promise which is posting regularly on weekly basis.
sincerely apologised. apologize accepted? ;3 HAHAH!
anyway, summarizing this 3 weeks is rather a walk in the park >.<
basically, had my prelims, been to Yishun Safra bowling thrice a week~ 
that's about it, considering that's all i could remember >.<
ohya! i want to share someone super special to me :)

well, the picture speak for itself, saying it proudly, she's my girl ;)
call her JiehJiun :)
Honestly, i never imagined or even thought that we are where we are now.
she's that popular kind while I'm like " Eeeee! see that hideous ? "
okay, i know I'm exaggerating a little on my part, but you get the point~
anyway, since i gonna make her reading this particular entries,
I'm gonna make a dedication for her :)


Baby, Hiiii!
how are you this lovely morning? hehe! 
most probably you will be reading this in the morning right, piggy :X HEHE!
you forget your "Goodnight" text again :(
anyway, lets stop beating around the bushes shall we ? 
Baby, i want you to know one thing and one thing only, 
what ever happened beyond these unknown mornings,
my feelings for you from the start and toward the end will never change ~ 
i can't guarantee that we would like fairy tales, last forever.
but i can guarantee and promise you that during these time together, 
i will always give my 100% if i could, i would give more ~
but hopefully, i will never need to let your fingers slips pass mine ;') 
unless, i felt that these circumstances profit you the most ;) 
you know i want nothing but the best for you. 
you're my top priority :) 
sorry uh >.< you know i treat "brothers" like blood.
so you're my top,  but not the first. sorry. hope you understand ;')
baby, sorry for neglecting you lately >.< 
and because of my own paranoia, i almost made you lose a friend... ...
honestly, i have no clue how i get you? you're angelic and I'm diabolic ... ...
two different worlds~ so i guess, my words win you over huh? :x 
because, considering appearance, it's impossible >.<
i never find myself attracting or even worth a second look, 
in fact, i don't even know how I'm able to call you mine. I'm truly blessed ;')
putting my promise in advance, 
baby, being with me is not going to be a bed of roses. unfortunately.
do you still want to hold my hand and walk as far as we can ?
reconsider :) don't live to regret it :)
last but not least, i Love you <3 

love, Eugene.


that's all for today, 
I'm gonna blog again tomorrow. Promise.
catch me around mid-afternoon maybe? 
like always, thanks for visiting :)

(in love with a goddess)
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sunday 28 April 2013

14 days since my last update. Hmph,
2 week just fly passed astonishingly fast. And currently i'm undergoing Prelims.
what can i say? I'm so not ready for it. 
not prepare at all, like a naked man in the battlefield. 
death is inevitable. Well, for my circumstances, I'm gonna flank my 1st prelim.
hopefully, this foresighted failure would wake me up.
make me feel the adrenaline rush, psych me up for the race.
the race with my 'N'level. the fight for my already scattered future.
HAHA! sounded dramatic isn't? >.< well, i can't  find any other perfect way to word it.
moving on shall we? 
and yes, I'm still not over her. 
Even though all along its just me, alone in this game for two.
Sigh. 5 years ... ... how could you expect me to give up entirely in a blink of an eye? 
there's bound to be lingering feelings. well, only from me that is. HAHAH!
like what i previously said, right now i shall prioritize my 'N'Level and nothing else.
like recently, i had a Conflict with the Express. Not gonna emphasize on anything.
as i made a deal with them. To answer your curiosity, we resolved it over the phone.
long story short, started as staring and that lead to the conflict.
the deal is: "we neither stare nor talk bad things about each other ."
what applies to us applies to them. Vice versa. fair and square. 
after all, this matter is like the size of a pea. No point making a mountain out of mole hill.
to those that actually know me, personally. you know its a great restrain on my part >.<
given my background and connectivity, well .... like i say, not gonna emphasize.
moving on! 
when out with my "Family" yesterday  :) 
well, picture speak thousand words. now, lets let the picture do the talking :

 my attempt to do duckface >.< HAHA!

tried to open my eyes a little bigger >.<

well, that's about it.
like always, thanks for visiting.

(in love with a goddess)
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday 14 April 2013

like promise, I'm back to update weekly :)
time flies doesn't it? 
already been 13 days since I've woken up from my futile fantasy.
well, what can i say? I'm like a blind mole out from my burrow.
so lost in reality. Aftermath, it's a fact that i can't hide.
it a fact you must digest, Eugene.

well, Nothing happen recently that's even worth talking about.
but there's something that bothered me lately.
have you ever tried but doesn't felt appreciated ?
no names will be mention. but lets call them "Bitches" :)
to those Bitches:
i tried to be nice to you guys, but well. you don't seem to appreciate it.
once bitten twice shy. i learned my lesson.
from now on, i will treat you guys the way you treat me. fair?
let you have a taste of your own medicine. 
 by all means, i don't think I'm that cruel >.< HAHA! 
if they ever needed help, most probably i won't even hesitate to help :)
why? i don't know either, guess I'm just too soft on the inside >.< HAHA! 

guess I'm writing till here, nothing to write.
or at least, from what i could remember :P
anyway, thanks for reading.

my Brain tells me to move on, but my heart says no.
pray hard that time will heal, 
and hopefully it will.

(in love with a goddess)
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Thursday 4 April 2013

Sorry for not updating recently 
basically nothing Interesting happened and in addition, not in mood.
for those that doesn't know, 
i actually confessed my feeling toward my "crush" a few days back.
As you can see, the result is quite obvious :')
i tried to make the "confession" as casual as i can 
try to keep it less awkward, making it easier for her to relate to my feelings.
but, ultimately, i'm rejected. she had someone in mind :')
Yes, i'm sad, hurt. heart pain. 
weirdly, didn't expect that i teared only a little. 
my heart and head felt empty. Hollowness i would say.
maybe partially, i already know the Answer. 
I and her are never possible in the first place.
all along, it's just a dream. a Dream that i refuses to wake up all this while.
i guess she has her reason, i don't blame her and neither should anyone :')
i just wished her all the best :') and you know i want nothing but the best for her.
I'm truly sorry. i guess i'm keeping this post short. totally mood out >.<
anyway, thanks for reading :)

(in love with a goddess)
Thursday, April 04, 2013

Thursday 21 March 2013

went back to Tampines recently, that explain my disappearance.
all those beautiful faded Memories seems to be Breathing again :') 
or i should say, I'm finally able to be "me" again .. 
those precious moment we used to had. Its all history now.
being moved and all, 
i was all along blinded by a imaginary wall i constructed.
literally, throwing away diamonds keeping stones. 
honestly, when i first get to see them after so long
i felt outcast. so distanced from them.
but luckily for me, their warmness always reach out to me :)
I'm truly blessed to be surrounded by them :) what more could i probably ask for ? 
should really learn to be contented. 
Anyway, like i said, i been back to Tampines.
had Sake Sushi with my family as planned to celebrate my brother acceptance to university.
high hopes for him , he had the potential. luckily, he always been on the right track :) 
after having dinner,  meet up with JiaSheng and Raven at SunPlaza park.
Charlie, Ding Yuan, Jeremy and Dilys  joined us later on.
sadly, i still felt the distance between me and charlie .... .... its heartening.
waited for ShaoXuan with Raven, JiaSheng and DingYuan
ShaoXuan came at 245am, did some catching up, talk till 4.
second day,wake up at 12. 
ShaoXuan came my house. Seriously a best brother i could ask for. 
given any circumstances, i can always count him :')
freak. why almost all my updates are rather mushy ? 
meet up with Raven, watched "warm bodies".

if you guys have no plans for March holidays, i would recommend this movie.
it's story its rather straightforward. i don't wanna be a spoiler. 
so watch the movie yourself, thank me later :)
sadly, ShaoXuan had to leave early, meet up with the usual for dinner.
now, lets the photos do the talking alright ?


olds are golds, can't find any other perfect phrase to word it :')
love is the only feeling i have for them, nothing less.
unfortunately, it's gonna be a long time till my next visit. 
you guys will be greatly missed.
and don't correct my grammar anymore alright? its embarrassing >.<
that's about it, thanks for visiting :)

flabbergasted by the facts.
how i wish i could hold  you in under my arms :')

(in love with a goddess)
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sunday 17 March 2013

been days since my last update isn't it? 
if i counted correctly, should be approximately 6 days.
Anyway, nothing really interesting happen recently.
so this most probably should be a short post.
lets see..
I get my CA1 result back and I'm not satisfied. Truly disappointed.
even though i was sick throughout the examination, 
and my friend tried to convince me, but being sick is not an excuse.
the amount you put in is the amount you receive, it's my fault to begin with.
let's make this failure a wake up call. shall start studying when school reopen.
2 day ago, 
had a game of badminton with my school DM ( Disciplined master ). 
with a couple friends, including JunWei, ZhiWen and Francis.
sadly, we were destroyed by him. but on the contrary, learn quite a few things.
lesson of life can come in many forms. true indeed.
later on, after an hour or so. We when KFC for lunch and followed by prawning.
i did not contribute to the catch but i contributed  financially.
caught a total of 3 crayfish, one consider larger that the remaining two.
wasted $30 only for 1 hour of prawning. in my opinion, its a waste. 
i guess i pulled my right forearm too in the game of badminton >.<
Even now, my hand is trembling. not vigorously just somehow moderately.
facing difficulties even lifting chopstick T.T
hopefully i will recover soon, the pain isn't tormenting but rather irritating
it's 2am right now. 
before i turn in into the night.

i would like to make a dedication to a broken-hearted friend.

dear friend,
mostly likely  you won't be reading this as you aren't a frequent visitor.
but nothing stopping me either :)
unfortunately, you and him broken off. 
Honestly, i never imagine this would happen
or atleast not so early. No, don't get me wrong! I'm not cursing.
in my eyes, you are consider a " above- average" person.
you're charming by looks, tall and feminine. 
Although some time you can't maintain your lady- like appearances.
but generally,  you're fine :)
trust me, my judgement never needed to be question.
you could consider it's a lose for him, 
i know, i can't force you. There's bond to be tingling feeling remain.
and by all means, i'm your nobody.
the main thing I'm saying trying to say to you is : 
" no matter how hard the wind blow , how strong the rain pour. im here "
i know its kinda mushy but like the sentence, you can count on me :)
i may not be 24/7 free for you. but if possible i will try to make time for you.
i believe you will do the same to me, right ? hopefully :)
sadly, i can't guarantee you i can solve , but you don't have to face storm alone either.
honestly, i always regarded you as my little sister, even though you're bigger by months.
anyway, when life gives you lemon, you made lemonade :)
i hope  you will get over soon , i want to see the happy "rectum" on your feet again.
i guess , that's about it :) 
stay strong, be strong and you are strong :)
sincerely, WeiJie ( only preferred by you )

lastly, thanks for visiting :) 

(in love with a goddess)
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tuesday 12 March 2013

there's a lot of things happened recently.
Even thought i only been back a few days after my disappearance.
Truthfully tired from all this nonsensical occurrence that been thrown at me.
been 5 days and I'm already drenches, mentally and physically.
a friend ask me today: "hey, are you alright? you look moody."
i asked her not to worry, but something she said melted me.
"even thou you are moody in the past, you tend to cover with a smile ... so what happened? "
sincerely I'm touched. touched by her concerns.
the feeling of concern by someone had longed been forgotten since primary 3.
but even the strongest man has their weakest moment. i am no exception.
i tend to wear a "smile" even when I'm in a dire situation. 
there's a saying : "everything has a happy ending. if it isn't happy, it's not the end."
a pitiful self-relieved i gave myself. pitiful indeed.
but now, things seem to crumble me easily. 
i no longer have the strength to even fake a smile.
everything seems so grey and black.
how i wish i could show a little weakness , without criticism from others.
life is never easy for me. Always have a way to knock me down. hard.
times and times again i showed resilience. bouncing back up.
i guess this may be the reason i grown. 
this is not the life i ordered. cursing and swearing won't change a thing.
"it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness." 
initiative plays the biggest part.
i must find the strength within me once again.
come on! you slain the dragon once. twice won't prove much of a challenge right?
Eugene, you can do it! 
putting everything a side, 'N' Level should be my biggest concern right now.
nothing else matter. 
i might be a little less socialize this few days, i need spaces to let loose.
to clear the thunderstorm in my clouded head.
just saying to those that regarded me as friend, who actually concern me. 
not to worry ~ 
sorry to get emotional on recent post. 
but blogging seem to be able to loosen me , allow me to feel a little better :')
that's about it. thanks for Visiting :) 

(in love with a goddess)
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Monday 11 March 2013

I know i blog a little early today, it's only 6:16 pm. 
But there's a flame building inside me that i would like to rant about.
or simply vent about.
reached school early today, 30 mins before the morning assembly.
same as always, i don't know whether it's a blessing or a curse.
there's one new anonymous confessed to me, again. 
now there's 5. 
i know, people would consider it a blessing. 
Yes, I'm grateful for the facts that i have quite a number of suitor, truthfully.
but seriously? what's the good in me ? 
I'm a social outcast, ill- tempered (currently I'm trying to tame it), short
ugly and the list continue.
think about it, there's a lot better guys out there.
why me? adding on i have long determine my heart to a girl not months but years,
what make you think I'm easily crumble.  
sigh. i really don't know what to do ... ... confused.
but ultimately i doesn't intent to hurt anyone. i know how i feels to be rejected.
i know and once shared the pain, considering myself experiencing a couple times.
so please, liking me will only end up nowhere but in the face of rejection.
i will not give up on the girl i like, no. or rather Love for years because of some anonymous.
even though anonymous was right. i do have a heart made of stone.
this is me, and I'm  proud of it. i believe my faithfulness level is not easily achievable.
respect me for that.
this the end of the first part of the rant.
like always, minding my own business in school. trying not to get any attention.
stay in the shadow. but no matter how hard i try or tried.
there's always, and i do mean always! people find stuff to criticise me. 
this time, the word they used is "arrogant."
seriously? me arrogant? haha. you're making me laugh.
i don't understand.
i responded friendly to others, never stare, never judge, never back stab anyone
and most of all, i never place myself above others.
so what gives other the reason to call me arrogant ?
you know there's a different between arrogant and confidence. 
so you think I'm confident? if i am, would i still be socially awkward ? 
honestly, even thought i doesn't show it. 
words like that crumble me on the inside.
there's a phrase i could relate, it goes like this :" beneath the confidence, doubt creeps" 
i ever truly see the good in me, i don't even know whether could i even accept myself.
and words like that doesn't help at all.
sigh. like i say this world is just too cruel. predator or the prey.
anyways, thanks for reading my pitiful rant or consider a vent.
thanks for visiting. :)

(in love with a goddess)
Monday, March 11, 2013

Saturday 9 March 2013

seems like I'm blogging much frequently :) 
it's a good thing, but won't hold that thoughts for long.
missed out 2 weeks of school, the amount of work accumulated could kill.
but luckily for me, i always does my homework before hand
so this shouldn't prove to much of a challenge to me :)
did some catching up with my friends, I'm glad that I'm not forgotten.
but, the attention i get is really ... overwhelming >.<
everyone that know me and saw me , goes like : 
"Hey, you're back! what happen uh ? " 
HAH! typical Singaporean ~ 
yes, i appreciate the concerns but not so much for the attention.
to those that greeted me on Friday, you have my gratitude.
sadly, some of my Brother in the clique have change ....
unfortunately, isn't changing for the better, instead for the worst.
clouded with arrogance.
not going to mention name.
lets see how things go. for now, i shall just play along :)
headed to class as there's no assembly, nothing seems to change.
miscalculated, literally astonished by my class
they made this for me:  

because i came back early than it's done >.< (the reason behind the blanks)

seriously bewildered and truthfully touched :')
for the facts that i doesn't really communicate well with my classmate
other then my Clique, i spent most of the time sitting alone at the back of class. 
always presume that I'm like a duck in a chicken's coop, the spare tire.
i never truly felt connected to the class ... ...
come to think about it, there's only a handful I'm actually comfortable with.
blame it one my solitary attitude ~ 
sigh, next week onward will be a rough .
won't be able to use computer throughout weekdays, a rule i set myself :)
fighting for my 'N' , fight for my future.
pay first , play later.
Shallow motivation, i give to myself ~
that's about it, ending the night with a lullaby, sang by Andrew Gracia:

Enjoy ? thanks me later :x HAHAH!
anyway, thanks for visiting :)

this feeling is unlike any other i ever felt before.

(in love with a goddess)
Saturday, March 09, 2013

Thursday 7 March 2013

I'm back. Seems like i have a lot of free time lately 
rather that idling , why not putting effort into reliving my blog ?
I'm actually quite satisfy with the current result.
my effort of breathing life into my blog really paid off.
Proud of myself :) aiming to have reach 75 post by the end of this year.
currently i only updated 16 post. including this, 17. 
hopefully i will end up triumph, 
updating once or twice a week, should be more than sufficient.
anyway , back the topic. this time like always, I'm gonna be truly honest.
this might sound pretty thick-skin. haters gonna hate.
but i believe currently there's three known girl having affection for me.
seriously. I'm rather sensitive. 
i tend to look behind phrases. trying to depict any hidden meaning.
yes, I'm paranoid. everything is a conspiracy to me, there's always hidden agenda.
cry me river.
and yes, i can clearly differentiate between concerns and affections.
don't know whether should consider this as a blessing or the other way round.
first, I'm truly grateful. with my given personality, to be fond by others
should only happen when pigs can fly. 
but please, by a means. don't expect a wanted responses from me. 
secondly, I'm no good person either. don't ask why, its a fact.
furthermore , i longed have an apple in my eyes :) 
Like i said, I'm Grateful, but i don't deserve any of this.
no hate or despise on the girls that showing affection toward me.
just voicing out that dilemma  i had within me.
Frankly speaking, i don't see the good in me anyway... 
I'm average-looking( considering the  fact that i still have suitor ), 
Short, academically considered bad for an Asian ( still have passes though ).
technically speaking, I'm consider below average.
so if you are one of those girls and reading this, don't waste your time alright? 
find someone better, there's tons out there. A lot better ~ 
Hah. i felt like a jerk after this ... ... but anyway, its the truth. so I'm publishing it :3
that's about it, I'm dead tired. somehow only mentally is drenched this time round.
going school tomorrow, been off schedule since last Monday.
That's all, goodbye ~ and thanks for visiting :)

video of Music video of the week:

 quote of the day:
" A bird in the hand is worth the two in the bushes " 

I love you Rachel Ong, and the flame will never die." <3 

(in love with a goddess)
Thursday, March 07, 2013

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Like i said, i will try to update regularly. most likely once or twice a week
so i guess i fulfill the promises i previously made ? :)
Anyway, i just discharge from hospital this afternoon, reason ?
sorry, i don't let my personal information fly around.

believe it or not, i often consider myself an overly "reserved" kind of person.
i never truly revel any personal difficulties or weaknesses to anyone, literally.
not that i doesn't trust those people around me or anything similar.
but instead, i felt that this world is just too vicious.
people take advantages from others weaknesses and strings them like puppets
let alone those that you call "friends" just a few day of communication
worst. Those that befriend you with strings attached ,  having a motive.
take me for instance, i regard myself as a easy going person :)
i forgive and forget, never take grudges. i take friendship seriously.
but before i open myself to others , i will do my studies.
trust me,  gathering those info its a lot easier than you think.
Internet is vasts and dangerous. people tend to loosen them self online than in reality.
using this gathered intelligence as my arsenal. thus, if i was ever stabbed.
those traitor will suffer even more.
HAH! sound like i'm making this up ? you can try me :)
but words for words , i means no harm to anyone.
i only uses that method for inevitable circumstances.
i believe this is only for self defense purposes.

Anyway, back to main. sorry for drifting off.
discharge this Morning, tried to have luncheon with my "Brothers" in Tampines.
sadly, its a fruitless attempt. they were busy.
i don't blamed them. isn't their fault in the first place.
my time and their time crushed so yea, its fated.
so i made my way back to Yishun around noon ? late afternoon i presume
can't really pin-point the exact timing, i'm having a stuffy head right now >.<
played some Computer games, bath and eat dinner.
that's about it ? yup. that's all. nothing special ~

come to think about it , i never place my crush's photo on my blog.
fearing that she might or someone close might sees it.
i guess i'm gonna take the first step, fear isn't gonna change anything.
facing fear there's two option : 1) let it crumble you 2) fight it and change for the better .
so, for the very first time i'm letting this go, the fear that stringed me.

BOOM! this is her, my Crush. for 5 years now <3

My Pitiful attempt to drew her T.T 

i did this when i'm confine in bed. i know i screw up.
but i believe it's sincerity that counts.

being confine to bed for three days, neither dreadful nor enjoyable.
i did a lot of self reflection, trying to make a differences.
looking at things i ever encounter in a different angle.
trying to lift this gloomy cloud that suffocated my mentally drenched head .
frankly, i did sees the light, i know what i want. and i found the needed motivation too :)
I'm not gonna wait for miracle to happen, i'm going to make it happen.
going to try confessing to her by this year, most probably late September.
hopefully, it will turn out the way i wanted :) wishes me luck!

things i  learned :
never make things complicated. you want you ask , you doesn't you tell.
simple. but why are we, ourself are making things so hard ? Empathy ?
HAH! you are you , make a difference .
go and write your story ~
lastly, thanks for visiting :)

(in love with a goddess)
Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Back again, still sick.
didn't attend school for 3 days now, most probably 4 :(
since i have "spare time" taken from school hours, i should do some update.
oh right, i will try to update at least once a week and hopefully twice.
trying to keep my blog alive. 
should i add some pictures to cleanse the atmosphere?
hmmmm, i should. This is the latest one, taken 2 weeks ago. 

a picture we took at Chinese new year, 
my uncle and aunt from my father's side isn't the nicest looking
but somehow, they made me feel warm and myself when i'm with them :')
oh that's me at the furthest back :)
my brother and his girlfriend , my mum and my two aunt.
sadly, our family doesn't take much photos. its a pity D;
anyway, i'm trying very hard to make this post longer
thinking of adding some viral video :P
ever heard of "Harlem shake" ? 
this seem like the best thing to do after planking >.<
well , i should let the video do the talking.

one of the best i found online.
hopefully this video, turn someone frown upside down :)
i guess i will end it right here,
thanks foe visiting, truly appreciated :)

(in love with a goddess)
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Exile


Eugene, LoneWolf
A.K.A. xMrE3YCx
Single, 18/11 Scorpio

My Bloods,
WeiGuang, Rey, Jeremy.
GREGS'10, NB'bs

i'm a Solitary individual :)
An optimistic, I forgive/forget .
nothing last forever,
make it worth:3
hate crowd and "Attention"
heard my name, not my story
i'm friendly , i don't bite ~
feel free to talk to me ;)

i'm someone you don't wanna know .

Forsaken World
DC Universe
League Of Legend
whisper a wish

hijack a shooting star

Rey - cym
Ke Yin
Yun hui
Yong jun


October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
July 2013
August 2013