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Monday 22 October 2012

Sorry for the disappearance recently >.<
Time are tight for me this few days , a big applauds for your patient and understanding :)
Why are the time tight for me , you asked ?
well , I actually did went to USS (Universal Studios Singapore) with her :3
Remember the previous post ? you guess it right! Yesterday was the day! :D
and Yes , she's definitely made it into consideration
She a nice girl alright !? Short , Cute , Smart , Understanding ... and the list goes on :P
The only 2 obstacle between us are , her CCA restriction and well ... ...
i'm no Mr.NiceGuys you know ? i don't wanna walk around breaking people heart ... ...
She's rich , intellectual , talented ... ... and me ?
HAH! a empty pocket , rough , complicated family background kid with issue , lots of issue
literally the definition of Heaven and Earth .

Anyway, overall the whole Experience at USS was AMAZING ;)
partially the reason was her :3 HAHAH!
and the other part was the RIDE! \M/
Sadly . Halloween is next week D: but luckily , because of this event ,
the ride for us was like almost instance :3 HAHA!
anyway , we are having a second date this week :)
can't wait for it :3

Anyway , i'm signing off
till next time , thanks for visiting :3

(in love with a goddess)
Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday 15 October 2012

Good Evening People!
been to RP (Republic Polytechnic) from 0900 to 1700 in the morning :)
the compass is much bigger than i expected o.0 and the guys are much buffed than i expected :3
anyway , learn a lot from today module :) currently building my underwater prototype .
it a surprise to me thou , i didn't expect we are able to get hands on the first lesson o.0 
thought that it gonna be theory , rules and regulation for the entire day >.<
21 students from Nasal Base were there, Syahid and i were a team :) 
we are the first and only 2 team that are able to complete our prototype within one day ;3
HAHAH! to me , the 7 hours are well spent indeed ;) 

OH GOD DAMN! Fucking hate those express students taking up the same module -.-
thinking that there so high and mighty. Well , there something i have for those arrogant expresses out there 

_|_ -.-_|_ FUCK YOU! _|_ -.-_|_

If they are that "GREAT" -.- They shouldn't even suppose to be studying in a Neighbourhood school.  
Some more in class still wanna fake an America's accent -.- like seriously !? 
who are you trying to impress ? 
but ofcos ,  there are those humble and down to earth Express student out there . 
A big shout out to those awesome people :) keep up the good work , you have my respect V^.^V

Anyway , I'm signing off :)
till next time ,  thanks for visiting :)

(in love with a goddess)
Monday, October 15, 2012

Saturday 13 October 2012

Hey guys! 
As you can read from the title , wanna know the surprise I'm talking about ? :3 
well , we will get to that later :) 
Anyway , been spending my weekends as usual , Rotting at home which is inevitable D: 
why ? because I'm a solitary individual  :X 
Nah , Just joking :) but seriously thou ~ 
Sadly , My Brothers from East View are still having Exam >.<
here by wishing them best of luck , FIGHTING! 

Actually felt kinda glad recently , me and my brothers are getting closer everyday :)
thanks to the new "PCSX2" emulator :3 HAHAH!
Its act like a string holding us tightly together :)
in the pass , i always felt the gap between them . But seriously , it literally Bind us together 
now , we spent almost 2 hours everyday sitting together in front of my com Gaming , HAH! 
well that's the only different :3 HAHAHA! 
Love it :3 HAHAH! 

oh yea! back to the surprise ... ... 
a Girl , who I'm not close with barely even talk , ask me out next coming weekends 
to Universal Studios Singapore (USS) for Halloween :3 
well , frankly speaking I'm ain't good with his kind of Event , if you know what i mean :3 HAHA!
but this girl ,  even thou it a distant one she give me a real good impression  :)
actually, this isn't a confirmation thou . this is what my friend told me o.0
he ask me to expect a phone call from himself , but look at the time : 22:14 -.-
i got a feeling that I'm played . LOLS! 
FINE, you win this time bro , you win!
anyway , alright then I'm signing off right now :3

 Till next time , thanks for visiting :)

(in love with a goddess)
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Friday 12 October 2012

Having English Oral Exam just now in the morning
did pretty good i guess? o.0 thou messing up a little on the " reading out loud " section D:
 hopefully , i will be able to pass my English and graduate secondary 3 .
went to Gym after my Exam today , been working out hard my upper body :) 
hopefully , i will be able to get the " idolize summer body" by the end of December :3 
anyway , as you know , I'm leading back my single life :) 
trust me , I'm Enjoying every moment of it , twice ... nah , make it thrice as much  :D 
way more then being  in relationship ... ... 

Come to think of it , 
i felt kinda regret ... ... not the breaking but actually the involvement of relationship .
now days she just keep pestering me and won't leaving me alone , thinking that we are possible
HAH! fat hope -.-
having serious thought about this , i felt that the fundamental foundation of this relationship 
is rooted with sympathy rather then "love".
telling me that how she's been ill-treated by her ex-boyfriend , As a guy , you will felt obligated right ?
you can't actually blame me for being confuse . well , this my first time after all ~ 
Anyway, I'm taking this as a learning process , 
the moral " never ever ,  be in a relationship because of sympathy. "
I guess i won't be getting on a relationship for a long period of time , still suffering from this trauma
HAHA! seem like I'm not fit for this kind of stuff , always get messed up by my emotion D: 

Anyway , Exam are over . it time to PARTY! 
HAH! joke much , most probably just sitting around rotting throughout the holidays :3 
getting myself involve and engage in wheel and underwater robotic module .Next Monday is the first lesson 
learning things outside of school, especially robotics is AWESOME! 
for those who don't know me well  , I'm someone who a has a strong sentiment toward robotics and aerospace technology :)
trust me, i could just sit there in front of my computer watching documentaries on this two field all days long  
oh ya! i also love mythology , conspiracy , studies on ancient art , exposition on secret code and symbols 
well , the list goes on ~ 

YES! i consider myself too a boring person :) and I'm proud of it :D     
alright then , i guess I'm signing off right now :) 

till next time , thanks for visiting :)

(in love with a goddess)
Friday, October 12, 2012

The Exile


Eugene, LoneWolf
A.K.A. xMrE3YCx
Single, 18/11 Scorpio

My Bloods,
WeiGuang, Rey, Jeremy.
GREGS'10, NB'bs

i'm a Solitary individual :)
An optimistic, I forgive/forget .
nothing last forever,
make it worth:3
hate crowd and "Attention"
heard my name, not my story
i'm friendly , i don't bite ~
feel free to talk to me ;)

i'm someone you don't wanna know .

Forsaken World
DC Universe
League Of Legend
whisper a wish

hijack a shooting star

Rey - cym
Ke Yin
Yun hui
Yong jun


October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
July 2013
August 2013