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Thursday 29 November 2012

how many days have past since my last post ? o.0 
wow ... 4 Days have past , and i literally did nothing productive ... 
i wasted  "4 days = 96 hours = 5760 mins = 345600 sec" of my life ... ...
LOLS! so what has i been doing then ? 
well, if you know me well . You could guessed right ;)
that's right!  sitting in front of my Computer ~GAMING~
 what game ? this the game ! 

looks cool uh !? HAH! 
interested ? The official website will be feature at the side 
the first photo shows a human , Assassin Lvl 35 
that's my new character I'm currently training :)
and YES! i played a female character ;3 problem ? 
Second picture show my Main Character :)
Dwarf , Marksman Lvl 56 :3 
so come on! add me in Server *LionHeart* :)
I'm mostly online around 4 - 6 in the afternoon , Singapore's time ;D
that's time 00:00 in Forsaken World , lionheart (west)
Anyway , remember to PM me when you add me as friend ~ 
say you're a reader , blogwalker from my blog :) HAHAH! 
i may give you free stuff if i happen to have ;) HAHAHAHAHAH! 

It been days since i left my "family" ... ... 
my "Brothers" and "Sister" from the East side :(
and i never felt so outcast before , so alone ... ...
i guess this one year in the North didn't really made any close Friend
mainly just School , Facebook and hi/bye friend ~  
well , can't really ask for more ... ... i myself isn't any where near sociable to begin with 
just like my Username , Eugene LoneWolf  :) 
I'm a solitary individual ~ 
right now , i myself isn't sure that weather i'm changing into one or already one >.<
guess what ? I'm literally tearing on the inside ... ... i felt so empty ... 
so hollow on the inside ... ... 
i feel like a clown . 
appear to have a Big smile on the face , but one one knows what under the makeup ~ 
ARGH! sorry for being wordy >.< 
i have so much on the inside and i have no one to lend a shoulder ... ... 
through blog , is the only way for me to express my feeling .
ah ... ... well , I'm alright now :) 
just like every other days , put on a "Smile" and live every day ~ 
till next time , thanks for visiting :)

(in love with a goddess)
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sunday 25 November 2012

been a week after my official Birthday
and 13 Days since my last post >.<
wonder what's happening ? HAHA! 
i when back to Tampines for a week  ,  Due to not having a computer there 
i can't blog D: so today is the day! 

on the the day before my birthday  , 17 Nov . 
i when back NavalBase Sec for open house even :) 
i shamelessly volunteered myself to help my favorite teacher , Miss Chia :3
HAHAH! just kidding >.< i was picked , so i Have to go :3
aftermaths , it's fun . But at the same time , it was kinda boring ~
being said that the event last for 6 hours from 11am to 4pm >< 
adding on , i have to be there before 11am for the set up T.T
tiring but worthwhile ;)
that's about it for 17 Nov i guess? HAH!

on 18 Nov ,
i did nothing from morning till night ><
just stay at home "likes and Comment " people wishes to me :)
headed back to Tampines around 6-7 ? met up with my Family 
well , lets the picture do the taking ,

heheheh! they plan for me , this Birthday surprise :)
actually , i already know that there's gonna be a surprise :x 
why you asked ? HAHA! well , i'm more than gladly to said ... ....
i know you guys too well , they are like a family to me :')
a Family that was there to grab my hand , when i almost fall into the abyss  
And yes , i never regret knowing  them :) it them , the little effort use to save me 
are those that shape me to who i am today ~ 
actually i wanna to blog this badly , this the reason ><
i wanna make a dedication Post specially for them :)

18 - 23 Nov ,
Bored! i literally Rot at home like a Like Biatch >.<
all my " Sisters and Brothers " was busy ~
some overseas , learning camp , working , exam , probation ETC
the list go on D:

23 - 24 Nov ,
that's Arick's  Birthday! when to his Chalet and stay overnight .
surprisingly , Dylan came o.O
we drink , card for the night >.<
nothing much , but it fun :)
it been a long time since the last time i had a good chat with them :)
so this little Toning is a good catch up session for me ;')
YES! i say it proud and loud ,  ILOVEYOU , MY BROTHERS!

that's all , i have for you readers ~ 
till next time , thanks for visiting

Dear Jaja , 
Wei~  what happen uh ? why like this ? 
i worried for you leh D; if you are reading this , 
its MUST to keep in touch with me when you're out ;')

(in love with a goddess)
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Monday 12 November 2012

didn't have the time to blog yesterday 
so I'm just gonna do a quick summary about today and get wordy about yesterday :3
why ? well , because i just simply sit in front of the computer and rot all day >.< 
but i do have some good news! I GOT PROMOTED ! HAHAHA !
i can't express the joy I'm feeling inside :3 
It's like , i could finally remove the mountain i have carried for this passed 2 weeks 
the result was in early in the morning :) what a way to start the day! 
we decide to go gym after that but all us where physically drench >.<
we cabbed homed instead :3 WeeYeow and Francis came my house 
and went nearby car park for some EXTREME SPORT , PARKOUR !
actually , not even half extreme T.T we just do simple simple stuff :3 HEHEHE! 
Anyway , sent them off at 2 and headed home to maple :3 
yup , that's how i spend today >< HAHAH!

Anyway , Yesterday was  memorable ~

A surprise Birthday celebration for us! :3 

* trying to Act cute *
FAIL ? HAH! victim D:  

With XinYi :)

With JiaMin :)

NBSS's Brothers

 Last one to end the night :)

Well , a picture says a thousand word ,
Yes , I was both surprise and touched :) 
but from the way i look ... ... its tells a different story 
The surprise was appreciated , truthfully ~
but if you guys are Reading this , try not to waste money alright ? 
It sincerity that counts ;) no need  for those celebration .
A Big Thank you for the thoughts thou ;) truly appreciated ~
Anyway , till next time , thanks for visiting :)

ROJH, i am trying very hard to get over you ... ... 
but why do i dream of you yesterday night ? 
i guess , this obstacle will a long lasting one ~

(in love with a goddess)
Monday, November 12, 2012

Saturday 10 November 2012

Hello People !
It been quite awhile since i lasted post >.<
Sorry for the Elapsed :3
Anyway, I been busy with supplementary paper :X
In case you guys Don't know what this , 
it is like a second chance for student who failed EOY .
hopefully , I could Promote  . Result will be in at 12 Nov ... ...
well , i don't see the point to worried now >.< 
the paper are handed in , finally i can say 

AH YES! i Admit >. < I'm a little afraid about the result ,  
I CAN'T afford to retain , my Family would ... ...
Frankly, I'm the only child in the family line to studied in Normal Academic
I already have all those Despise i never ask for ... ... 
i really can't imagine the Sh*t i have to face if i actually retain . 
i know what you readers gonna say: 
"why didn't you study in the first place ? so what the point of showing remorse ?" 
well , i can't agree more to what you just said :) 
YES! i admit , but that was partially the reason .
actually , I was hospitalised during the exam period 
so i did the paper with a light headed >.< 
i fail the score of 47 , i fail to get pass the border line by 3 marks ...
can you believe it ? LOL!

Anyway , i been to watch the latest movie :"AhBoys to Men"
directed by Jack neo . Acted by many Famous Singaporean Youtuber .
watched with "her" till 1 Am >< HAAHAHA! 
She's really a sweetheart you know ? 
she watched the same show early in the morning . 
and because of me , she don't mind watching it again .
isn't that awesome !? 
well , yesterday was our fourth date :3 *WinkWink
remember the first date ? the one i posted not long ago 
the one at USS ( Universal Studios Singapore )
yup , that's the sweetheart I'm talking about ;3 
i cant think of anything to post le >< anyway , catch me at town tomorrow! 
do say hi alright  ? :3 HAHAH! 
till next time , thanks for visiting :)

Beneath that confident , deep down I'm still overwhelm with doubt ... ...
i guess I'm still not ready ... ... 

(in love with a goddess)
Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Exile


Eugene, LoneWolf
A.K.A. xMrE3YCx
Single, 18/11 Scorpio

My Bloods,
WeiGuang, Rey, Jeremy.
GREGS'10, NB'bs

i'm a Solitary individual :)
An optimistic, I forgive/forget .
nothing last forever,
make it worth:3
hate crowd and "Attention"
heard my name, not my story
i'm friendly , i don't bite ~
feel free to talk to me ;)

i'm someone you don't wanna know .

Forsaken World
DC Universe
League Of Legend
whisper a wish

hijack a shooting star

Rey - cym
Ke Yin
Yun hui
Yong jun


October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
July 2013
August 2013