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Sunday 28 April 2013

14 days since my last update. Hmph,
2 week just fly passed astonishingly fast. And currently i'm undergoing Prelims.
what can i say? I'm so not ready for it. 
not prepare at all, like a naked man in the battlefield. 
death is inevitable. Well, for my circumstances, I'm gonna flank my 1st prelim.
hopefully, this foresighted failure would wake me up.
make me feel the adrenaline rush, psych me up for the race.
the race with my 'N'level. the fight for my already scattered future.
HAHA! sounded dramatic isn't? >.< well, i can't  find any other perfect way to word it.
moving on shall we? 
and yes, I'm still not over her. 
Even though all along its just me, alone in this game for two.
Sigh. 5 years ... ... how could you expect me to give up entirely in a blink of an eye? 
there's bound to be lingering feelings. well, only from me that is. HAHAH!
like what i previously said, right now i shall prioritize my 'N'Level and nothing else.
like recently, i had a Conflict with the Express. Not gonna emphasize on anything.
as i made a deal with them. To answer your curiosity, we resolved it over the phone.
long story short, started as staring and that lead to the conflict.
the deal is: "we neither stare nor talk bad things about each other ."
what applies to us applies to them. Vice versa. fair and square. 
after all, this matter is like the size of a pea. No point making a mountain out of mole hill.
to those that actually know me, personally. you know its a great restrain on my part >.<
given my background and connectivity, well .... like i say, not gonna emphasize.
moving on! 
when out with my "Family" yesterday  :) 
well, picture speak thousand words. now, lets let the picture do the talking :

 my attempt to do duckface >.< HAHA!

tried to open my eyes a little bigger >.<

well, that's about it.
like always, thanks for visiting.

(in love with a goddess)
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday 14 April 2013

like promise, I'm back to update weekly :)
time flies doesn't it? 
already been 13 days since I've woken up from my futile fantasy.
well, what can i say? I'm like a blind mole out from my burrow.
so lost in reality. Aftermath, it's a fact that i can't hide.
it a fact you must digest, Eugene.

well, Nothing happen recently that's even worth talking about.
but there's something that bothered me lately.
have you ever tried but doesn't felt appreciated ?
no names will be mention. but lets call them "Bitches" :)
to those Bitches:
i tried to be nice to you guys, but well. you don't seem to appreciate it.
once bitten twice shy. i learned my lesson.
from now on, i will treat you guys the way you treat me. fair?
let you have a taste of your own medicine. 
 by all means, i don't think I'm that cruel >.< HAHA! 
if they ever needed help, most probably i won't even hesitate to help :)
why? i don't know either, guess I'm just too soft on the inside >.< HAHA! 

guess I'm writing till here, nothing to write.
or at least, from what i could remember :P
anyway, thanks for reading.

my Brain tells me to move on, but my heart says no.
pray hard that time will heal, 
and hopefully it will.

(in love with a goddess)
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Thursday 4 April 2013

Sorry for not updating recently 
basically nothing Interesting happened and in addition, not in mood.
for those that doesn't know, 
i actually confessed my feeling toward my "crush" a few days back.
As you can see, the result is quite obvious :')
i tried to make the "confession" as casual as i can 
try to keep it less awkward, making it easier for her to relate to my feelings.
but, ultimately, i'm rejected. she had someone in mind :')
Yes, i'm sad, hurt. heart pain. 
weirdly, didn't expect that i teared only a little. 
my heart and head felt empty. Hollowness i would say.
maybe partially, i already know the Answer. 
I and her are never possible in the first place.
all along, it's just a dream. a Dream that i refuses to wake up all this while.
i guess she has her reason, i don't blame her and neither should anyone :')
i just wished her all the best :') and you know i want nothing but the best for her.
I'm truly sorry. i guess i'm keeping this post short. totally mood out >.<
anyway, thanks for reading :)

(in love with a goddess)
Thursday, April 04, 2013

The Exile


Eugene, LoneWolf
A.K.A. xMrE3YCx
Single, 18/11 Scorpio

My Bloods,
WeiGuang, Rey, Jeremy.
GREGS'10, NB'bs

i'm a Solitary individual :)
An optimistic, I forgive/forget .
nothing last forever,
make it worth:3
hate crowd and "Attention"
heard my name, not my story
i'm friendly , i don't bite ~
feel free to talk to me ;)

i'm someone you don't wanna know .

Forsaken World
DC Universe
League Of Legend
whisper a wish

hijack a shooting star

Rey - cym
Ke Yin
Yun hui
Yong jun


October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
July 2013
August 2013